Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Enterprise Resource Planning (EPR) application assignment
Endeavor Resource Planning (EPR) application - Assignment Example The entrancing element of an ERP framework is that it will bolster an assortment of equipment and system designs by utilizing a database for adequately getting to data. This paper will dissect what an ERP framework does and how such a framework can assist an association with becoming progressively gainful. Since an ERP framework can impact computerizing each business procedure, it tends to be viably applied to achieve an assortment of business undertakings. As per Adolphs and Schubert (2008), ERP framework takes a shot at the premise of ‘input-process-output’ rules and, consequently, it can likewise be utilized as the executives data framework. Since data has become a fixing some portion of the board activities, ERP frameworks explicitly center around the data needs of various hierarchical parts. The ERP programming framework gives convenient, precise, and most applicable data to various branches of the association, utilizing a solitary programming framework. This framework keeps data refreshed in order to help administrations to viably manage dynamic. Rothlin (2010) says that the sifting office of an ERP framework opportune furnishes the association with answers for different inquiries (p.204). Present day ERP frameworks are fit for giving improved offices to the organiza tion to deal with its fare, import, and assessment exercises and to satisfy other lawful necessities. ERP programming bolsters PC helped plans; along these lines, it is assistable for the organization to show items structures on constant as per client necessities. This framework additionally encourages every single budgetary assistance and it agrees to global bookkeeping gauges. Also, an ERP framework can successfully address the issues of government, human services, retail, and other assistance segments. Deals guaging is another alluring element of ERP programming applications since this procedure helps firms to streamline their stock levels. Agreeing
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Argumentative Definition Essay Topics
Argumentative Definition Essay TopicsThe subject of argumentative definition essay topics is the discussion and debate on the factors involved in defining something or the reasons for something. It is the debate that plays a vital role in learning the facts and is highly educative.Argumentative definition essay topics are written with different styles, subject matter and purpose. These essays also fall under the spectrum of composition class discussions. Essays are written to teach the student how to compose a well-written essay on any topic that he or she chooses. A basic teaching tool that students may use to successfully learn about any topic is by being able to write an argumentative definition essay topic.This form of writing comes from the formal debate which is a part of the curriculum that is integrated into many schools and colleges. Students are forced to debate or discuss their subject material, whether it is history political or scientific, with other students who happen to be part of the same class. This form of teaching is the best way to understand how to argue against a certain point or to support a certain argument.One very important aspect of argumentative definition essay topics is to make sure that they present the student with an outline of the topic before he or she writes his or her essay. Because of this outline, it will be easier for the student to follow along. It is also very important to include your goal and how you want the student to arrive at it in the introduction of the topic.The first thing that you have to do is to outline the idea. You have to outline the idea by bringing out all the parts of the idea and clearly explain them. When the student gives an outline, he or she should not just summarize what was stated in the topic but should also explain it in more detail. The idea should be described in a proper way so that it is easy for the student to grasp and understand.Next, you have to explain the goal and the reasons why t he goal was needed or accepted. You have to make sure that all the points and reasons are presented in a logical order. To do this, the essay should start with the main idea and then it should go onto explain the supporting points and the reasons that were presented. After this, you have to explain how this goal was achieved or accepted. Then, you have to write down all the results and explain the reasons why they were accepted.By writing this essay, the student will be able to clearly and easily understand all the information that he or she needs to know about the topic. The essay is important because it will be used as a tool to teach the student how to write an argumentative definition essay topic. When the student writes his or her essay, he or she should clearly explain how he or she will proceed to answer the topic. The essay should answer the question from the topic itself.The definition essay topics are very important tools that teach the student how to write an essay. When this essay is written properly, it can have a great impact on the student's learning experience. It is very important that the student is able to write an essay on his or her topic to be able to use the essay to enhance his or her understanding.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Metaphysical Poetry Essay Summary Example For Students
Metaphysical Poetry Essay Summary Movement across or through space becomes a process of colonization of that space. During the period of Miltons Paradise Lost as well as myriad of poets construction of an epoque submerged in metaphysical literature, a number of significant events both socio-political, entwined with a systematic religious metamorphism of the sixteenth and seventeenth century led to a time of unrest and discovery. The creators and authors of work of this periods placed their emphasis not specifically on a level of morality or self understanding but rather a rediscovery of the body and soul, almost a form of existensionalism or physical cosmos with a geography. All things are subject to the Mind It measures in one thought the whole circumference of heaven and by the same line it takes the geography of the earth. The seas, the air, the fire all things of either, are within the comprehension of the mind. It has an influence on them all, whence it lakes all that may be useful, all that may be helpful in government. No limitation is prescribed to it, no restriction is upon it, but in a free scope it has a liberty upon all. And in this liberty is the excellence of the mind; in this power and composition of the mind is perfection of a man Man is an absolute master of himself; his own safety, and tranquillity by God are made dependent on himself. 1 In this short example of Puritanism text as it stands, alone contains a number of various references to the process of colonization, of expanding, perceiving all geographically and manipulating, making man or perhaps more specifically the colonisers omniscient and God-like. The crusader self-reliant and independent with the knowledge that God is his guardian of safety and tranquillity. In this particular the growing number of Puritans played a significant role both in the cultivation and transformation of the Christian religion and foreign territories. The Puritans themselves comprised of those in the Church of England unhappy with limitations of the Elizabethan Settlement; some were Presbyterians, and all were to some extent or other Calvinists though not all Calvinists were Puritans. They were a people of scrupulous moral rigour and favoured plain styles of dress, detesting any form of luxury or decadence. The name Puritan later became a catch-all label for the disparate groups who led much of the New World colonization and won the English Civil Wars. New World colonization began as early as 1480 by English seamen performing spectacular feats of exploration under Elizabeth I. These seamen made various claims of territorial annexation in America in an effort to outflank their Spanish rivals however, all foundations of permanent colonies proved abortive until the early 17th century. Thereafter, there was steady progress in acquiring territories in the Caribbean and mainland North America. Much settlement in the latter had a religious motive, with colonists seeking to escape the constraints of the English Established Church. As a result, there was an uneasy relationship between many colonial administrations and the royal government at home. Further to these tensions the colonies were split in their allegiances during the civil wars in Britain, but Charles I derived little useful help from those who supported his cause. The collapse of James II regime 1688-9 proved a blow to the efforts of Westminster to encroach on ! self-rule in North America. The relationship between the centre and the colonies remained problematic right until the War of American Independence. 2 The metaphysical tradition established during the seventeenth century can find its foundations in the colonization explorations and the domestic unrest caused by the civil wars. The combination of the two contextually, both in spirituality, imagery and definitions of time and space; have the unique effect of creating a devout religious protagonists perceptions of his environment and its history, encompassed in as often was the case one work of art, as a testimony to the period and the Church of England. Frequently such works could be found in the form of poetry, commonly regarded as the most eloquent and essential part of the English language as a means of communications, via its plurality, richness of language and syntax. Poets of the era harnessed the tools of poetry to the spiritual essence of their communication create an impact of divine, gospel-like proportions, which were received and regarded as perhaps the most innovative and highly appreciated works of poetry! to have arisen. One such poet was John Milton whose epic work Paradise Lost written in 1667 was ultimately the last and great Adamite3 work. John Milton 1608-74, was an English poet, the son of a composer of some distinction. The preparation for his lifes work included attendance at St. Pauls School, Christs College and Cambridge for several years. His reputation as a poet preceded him as addressed to the conscience of Europe. As fame through his work augmented so with it did his political career. The theme of Paradise Lost completed 1665, published 1667 had been in Miltons mind since 1641. It was to be a sacred drama then; but when in 1658 his official duties were lightened so as to allow him to write, he chose the epic form. The first three books reflect the triumph of the godlyso soon to be reversed; the last books, written in 1663, are tinged with despair. Gods kingdom is not of this world. Mans intractable nature frustrates the planning of the wise. The hetero! dox theology of the poem which is made clear in his late De Doctrina Christiana did not trouble Protestant readers till modern critics examined it with hostile intent. 4 Part of the poems greatness, apart from its length, is a function of the visual immediacy with which Milton realizes the imagined scenes. Milton has been criticized for glossing over certain contemporary developments in scientific and intellectual thought the astronomical ambiguities in book VII, for example, eg . What if the sun Be centre to the world , and other stars By his attractive virtue and their own Incited, dance about him various rounds? 5 Their wander course now high, now low, then still Progressive, retrograde, or standing still, In sixth thou seest, and what if seventh to these The planet earth, so steadfast though she seem, Insensibly three different motions move? Which else to several spheres thou must ascribe,7 The poems realism is that of a myth, and its credibility dependent on the outlines of Christian belief, rather than specific historical details. The entire concern or major theme of Paradise Lost is to confute predestination and demonstrate the freedom of will. However Satan is portrayed as an almost romantic, recognizable character with whom we share every twist and turn his thinking takes thro ughout his physical and mental journey. Satan can easily be perceived as the bold intrepid colonist, not lacking the courage of his convictions, be it at the expense of being exiled from the vaults of heaven. With the strength of classical precedents, Miltons cosmology refracts a seemingly incomprehensible geography of fantastic proportions, utilising allusive language to describe the indescribable. Nevertheless this did not deter some illustrators attempting to recapture the imagery of Militons Cosmos. Satans fall from grace to a desolate place of fathomless voids, yet unpopulated, turns Satans disgrace into a voyage before a quest with a mission, not unlike that of the colonisers. In Book I the voyage of these unchartered and as yet inanimate destinations began when Satan and his host are: Hurld headlong flaming from th Ethereal sky With hideous ruin and combustion down To bottomless perdition, there to dwell In Admantine chains and penal Fire. For nine days they fall through Chaos till: Hell at last Yawning receivd them whole, and on them closd, Hell their fit habitation fraught with fire Unquenchable, the house of woe and pain. The life of the students EssayThe theme of a quest, searching, mapping territory or bodies, geography of mind, body and soul, unrest and all that is external is apparent in a large proportion of what was written in the seventeen century, religious unsettlement serving only to fuel, scepticism or convictions further. The majority of metaphysical poems have similar themes and imagery, often set in room, study or office, any private enclosure reminiscent of a confession booth. Writing poetry in the form of a confessional is used as a moment of introspection. The new awareness of questions rising with new religious identities of new churches necessitated these occasions of profound reverence and occasional enlightenment, in a journey through their own spirituality. Poetry was writing for private readership, a confessional in the form of a diary, debating with themselves and God. The status of body, that of men and women, the relationship between themselves with one another, and God were all predominati! ng factors in their writing. Poetry was written private realms for a private readership with no public address. A parody may even be draw between Milton circumstances and his vision of Satan, during on of his profound moments of reflection: Me miserable! which was shall I fly Infinite wrath, and infinite despair? Which way I fly is hell; myself am hell;12 I may be useful to think of Satan in the light of likening spiritual to corporal forms, partly as representative of the public world of politics and rebellion, and his presentation as an exploration of the ambitions and failures, the egotism and despair, that public life offers. In this his role is therefore complemented in the poem by the private, domestic world of Adam and Eve, in whose interpersonal relations are enacted the possibilities and problems of freedom and self-restraint. In metaphysical poetry the body was seen as a secular vessel, embodied with a spiritual love of the world, attached to a humanist concept that pre mined to embody God within the body of man. Colonialism expanse across the Americas induced imagery through language; exploring, discovery, conquering, divine protection, geometry, geography, astronomy, navigation and science were the foundations on which metaphysical poetry evidently propelled itself to growing popularity at a time of general social, political and religious unrest. The Sunne Rising also created by Donne was slightly more satirical, yet maintaining that man was ultimately the ruler of his own world, and God being embodied in wherever he be therein. The sun is employed as a metaphysical conceit, with man being able to block it and the other element with a single wink. Thy beams, so reverend and strong Why shouldst thou think? I could eclipse and cloud them with a winke,13 With reference of imperial history he no longer needs to explore to India, for it is already traced and recorded on a map before him. His self-elevation and lack of humanity are comparable to that of Miltons Satan. Around the same period other works of post-colonial art were be developed, no doubt heavily influenced by contemporary issues. One such example is Shakespeares final work and tragi-comedy The Tempest 1611, interposed and concerned with the theme of the elevation of one myth above another, recurrent impact of colonialism, morality and the loss of innocence. Shakespeares unique style of writing is as a direct result of a plethora of influences, one of which was Montaignes essay Of Cannibals which discussed the value and the way of life of societies which had not been affected by civilisation of a European type. In addition to this essay a pamphlet circulate called The Discovery of the Bermudas , otherwise called the Isle of Divels, may have played a crucial role. This pamphlet described the bold adventures of a religious group of colonist travelling in a convoy of ships from London to Virginia. However during the voyage, the flagship was separated from the remainder! of the convoy in a storm. The maverick ship inadvertently blew towards Bermuda before being tossed onto some rocks. The colonists lived on the islands until they had built boats in which to continue their voyage. The story of their almost miraculous survival aroused considerable interest in England and echoes of their adventure can be found in The Tempest. With little regard of the more elaborate themes images the tale is one of a landing on a island, a veritable paradise, already inhabited by Caliban often spelt canibal by Elizabethans by transposing the letters n and l a wild, deformed uncivilised beast representative of native settlers, who is quickly manipulated, overthrown and enslaved by Prospero King of Milan. Caliban and his environment are parallelled to those of the Garden of Eden and Caliban himself is elemental. As the story progresses and the tyrannical relationship between the two continually increasing, Calibans intellect is worthy of argument against Prospero for having denied him his birthright. Prosperos aim of teaching Caliban was to increase his indisputable control over him, by subverting him into an incomplete and image of his master, defective of all other attributes ie of magic. Caliban, similar to every colonised people before him adapted his adopted culture and power of speech inflic! ed upon him as a weapon to communicate his own indignation and animosity towards his oppressor. And despite being frequently referred to as a crude savage, disfigured, and evil Caliban exemplifies a better set of values than most of the civilised characters in the play. This image derives from speculation regarding the popular English belief that uncivilised pagans were below their civilised counterparts in the hierarchy which had God at its apex and inanimate nature at it base. However a few individuals were beginning to question this assumption and there is evidence in the play that Shakespeare believed that the corruption in a civilised man was more abhorrent than any natural albeit uncivilised behaviour. 14 At a time when many books and sermons, effected a characteristic Renaissance union between moral and political implications, and concerned themselves with the task of persuading the public that exploration was an honourable and indeed a sanctified activity and Drake was compared to Moses, combining voyaging and mystagogy a practical justification of the lawfulnesse of Discovering. It was a somewhat sophistical argument by Purchas, in favour of the propriety of usurping the rights of native populations, and an insistence, half-mystagogic, half-propagandist, on the temperate, fruitful nature of the New World, and the unspoilt purity of its inhabitants. The True Declaration defends colonizing, on the ground that it diffuses the true religion and has authority from Solomons trade to Ophir whether it lay in the East or, as Columbus thought15 in the West Indies. There is room for all; and in any case the natives cannot be regarded as civilized people. 16 The revelations of The Tempest of watching Caliban suffer at the hands of Prospero affords interesting material for examination. Caliban endures his abuse and insistent that he has deprived him of what is rightfully his, and this perhaps may have been Shakespeares way of confronting his contemporary pro-colonising audience with the problems of ownership of newly discovered lands.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Grainstack (Sunset) Essay Example
Grainstack (Sunset) Paper Impressionist paintings are put into a category based on certain characteristics.Such features include light that draws attention to objects, rough textures, and visual pleasure that the viewer receives upon looking at paintings.Grainstack (Sunset)by Claude Monet is a great example of this.During the time this painting was done, there were several disturbances going on in Europe, such as high rates of suicide and the creation of anarchist groups.It was during this time period that Monet wanted to establish himself as a great painter. As the viewer looks at this painting, they are taken into a rural scene.The grainstack is the major object in the painting that the viewer noticesfirst.There are several striking areas of light as the human eye moves around the painting.The sunset causes a brilliant display of colors around the scene.The sky is fading in the background as the sun sets.There is a small amount of blue still hanging in the sky, and under that a large portion of a yellow hu e from the sun setting.As the suns sets further, it causes a pink color above the land.Consequently, the sunset has caused the color of the grainstacks to darken.It is obvious that the light left in the scene is on the other side of the stack. There is a shadow cast of the back side, making the stacks top dark brown, and giving the bottom a dark red color. The rural scenes in the painting, as well as the other grainstacks in his series paintings, all basically share many of the same characteristics.The haystacks are never overwhelmed by light.As in Grainstack (Sunset), the stack holds its own in the painting. The light simply draws attention to it.The conical top and body of the stack are outlined by the light and make it the focus of the painting.Atfirst glance, the stacks are hard to notice, but when the viewer looks closer at the painting, there is a row of farmhouses in the background of the painting. They d
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
4 ventajas de estudiar en los Community Colleges en USA
4 ventajas de estudiar en los Community Colleges en USA Si ests interesado en estudiar una carrera universitaria en Estados Unidos, los Community Colleges son una opcià ³n a considerar para cursar los dos primeros aà ±os. La estadà sticas ponen de relieve la importancia de los Community Colleges dentro del sistema universitario de los Estados Unidos. Segà ºn el Community College Research Center, el 45 por ciento de los estudiantes universitarios en el paà s realizan sus estudios en uno de esos centros. Esto es, ms de ocho millones de estudiantes, de los cuales ms de la mitad estudian a tiempo parcial. Quà © son los Community Colleges El nombre de Community Colleges se refiere a instituciones universitarias que otorgan un Associates Degree al estudiante que finaliza sus estudios y requieren haber completado 60 crà ©ditos en cursos semestrales. Por contra, los colleges y universidades otorgan un tà tulo universitario en la forma de Bachelor ´s Degree y es necesario haber finalizado 120 crà ©ditos. Los Community Colleges tambià ©n se conocen con el nombre de Technical Colleges o Junior Colleges, incluso County Colleges. En las diferentes zonas geogrficas de Estados Unidos hay la costumbre de llamarle de distinta forma. En todo caso, es lo mismo. T ambià ©n se le conoce como instituciones de dos aà ±os, ya que si se estudia a tiempo completo y satisfactoriamente los cursos se finalizan en ese tiempo. Si no ests familiarizado con los Community Colleges y te gustarà a realizar estudios universitarios en Estados Unidos, deberà as tener en cuenta las siguientes razones para determinar si estudiar los primeros dos aà ±os en ese tipo de institucià ³n es una buena opcià ³n para ti. El costo de los Community Colleges es mucho ms asequible que el de las Universidades de 4 aà ±os El ahorro puede ser muy grande y servir para pagar gastos como alimentacià ³n, libros de texto, viajes, etc. La mayorà a de los Community Colleges son pà ºblicos, aunque tambià ©n los hay privados. Estos à ºltimos son ms caros, pero siguen siendo un ahorro notable en comparacià ³n con Universidades y Colleges. Adems, en la mayorà a de los estados hay una diferencia en el precio de la matrà cula (tuition) entre in state y out of state. Los que califican como in state, es decir, los residentes en ese estado generalmente pagan mucho menos que los de out of state (aunque no siempre es asà ). Ciudadanos, residentes, refugiados y asilados que vivan en un determinado estado y cumplan con requisitos adicionales que dependen de cada estado pueden calificar para una matrà cula in state. Si los indocumentados califican o no para esa calificar depende del estado. Pero en muchos de ellos, sà que se pueden beneficiar y pagar como in state, si realmente residen en el estado. (Si eres un muchacho o muchacha indocumentado calificado como Dreamer y todavà a no has aplicado por la Accià ³n Diferida, considera hacerlo y valora sus posibles ventajas). Los estudiantes internacionales (visas F-1 o M-1) deben pagar como out of state. Ejemplo de ahorro en coste de pago de matrà cula en community college frente a universidad La Universidad de Texas es pà ºblica y prestigiosa con muchos centros. Estudiar en su campus de cuatro aà ±os de Austin tiene un costo de matrà cula anual para el curso que empieza en octubre de 2014 de $34,722 para los estudiantes out of state. Y de $9,798 para los in state. En comparacià ³n, Central Texas Community College, tambià ©n pà ºblico, tiene un costo por aà ±o para el curso que empieza en octubre de 2014 de $6,270 para estudiantes out of state y de $2,130 para los que pueden calificar como in state. En comparacià ³n, Rice University, tambià ©n radicada en Texas pero privada, tiene un costo de matrà cula anual para el mismo periodo de $40,665, para todo tipo de estudiantes, ya que al ser una institucià ³n privada no hace distinciones entre residentes en el estado y los que no lo son a la hora de determinar cunto cuesta la matrà cula en ms de 1,000 Community Colleges Menores exigencias en los tests de ingreso, como TOEFL, SATS o similares Aunque cada centro tiene sus propias reglas, en general admiten estudiantes con resultados ms bajos en los exmenes estandarizados como TOEFL, SATS y equivalentes. O puede suceder que incluso no sean un requisito. Adems, conviene tener en cuenta que los que son pà ºblicos pueden tener normas que los obliguen a aceptar dentro de su sistema a los estudiantes residentes en el estado que han obtenido su graduacià ³n de high school o equivalente, tipo GED. Esto no sucede con los estudiantes internacionales ni con los residentes de otros estados de la Unià ³n Americana. Pero sà que merece resaltar que los requisitos de ingreso son, en general, ms fciles de obtener que los que piden las universidades y colleges de cuatro aà ±os. Por lo tanto, para los estudiantes que todavà a no se sienten cà ³modos acadà ©micamente con el inglà ©s, los Community Colleges pueden ser una gran opcià ³n. Excelente oportunidad para familiarizarse con el sistema educativo universitario de los Estados Unidos Los estudios en un Community College son dos aà ±os en los que se puede mejorar notablemente el conocimiento del inglà ©s y sus particularidades acadà ©micas. Adems, brinda la oportunidad de conocer y entender el sistema de crà ©ditos, requisitos, reas de concentracià ³n (mayors), titulaciones, etc. Esto puede ser recomendable para los estudiantes extranjeros que no han cursado ningà ºn aà ±o de high school en Estados Unidos y desconocen el sistema de estudios. Ofrecen una titulacià ³n en sà ³lo dos aà ±os El tà tulo que se gana al completar los crà ©ditos es el de Associates Degree y se conoce como Diploma o Certificate. En muchos casos es suficiente para desempeà ±ar profesiones como algunos tipos bsicos de enfermerà a, maestro de educacià ³n temprana, paralegal, tà ©cnico de laboratorio, etc. En otros, se puede utilizar como un trampolà n para acceder a una universidad o college de cuatro aà ±os y asà ganar una titulacià ³n universitaria completa. Si ests pensando en aplicar, recuerda que es conveniente hacerlo a ms de una (entre seis y ocho o incluso diez se considera prctica estndar). Y estos son los ocho tipos de documentacià ³n que vas a necesitar para aplicar a la universidad y a muchos colleges, por lo que es muy importante planear con tiempo. A pesar de las ventajas que supone estudiar en un Community College y por lo que deberà a ser una opcià ³n a considerar, tambià ©n hay que tener presente los siguientes inconvenientes Posible dificultad para hacer un transfer a una universidad de cuatro aà ±os No todas las universidades y colleges aceptan estudiantes que han realizado parte de sus estudios en otra institucià ³n. O, si los aceptan, imponen condiciones duras para transferir los crà ©ditos ya estudiados. Por esta razà ³n, si lo que se pretende es estudiar una carrera de cuatro aà ±os es obligatorio  asegurarse saber cuntas universidades y garantizan la admisià ³n de los estudiantes del Community College que se est considerando como una opcià ³n para estudiar los dos primeros aà ±os. La admisià ³n est garantizada siempre y cuando se haya cursado un determinado nà ºmero de crà ©ditos y el GPA (calificacià ³n media de los cursos realizados) està © dentro del mà nimo aceptado por la Universidad. Adems, hay universidades que aceptan de buena gana estudiantes internacionales provenientes de Community Colleges prestigiosos por considerar que ya conocen el sistema acadà ©mico americano. Eso puede ser asà aunque no tengan firmado ningà ºn acuerdo. En estos casos va a depender de la calidad y mà ©ritos de los estudiantes. Para evitar problemas en los transfer analizar en detalle los Community Colleges que pueden ser una opcià ³n. En el caso de estudiantes internacionales preguntar quà © tipo de apoyo tienen para acomodarse al sistema de vida americano y para mejorar en el inglà ©s. Opciones de visa para los estudiantes internacionales La visa de estudiante ms comà ºn es la F-1 y, en el caso de estudios vocacionales, la M-1. Pero a veces ms que estudiar una carrera lo que se quiere es practicar el inglà ©s y vivir unos meses en USA. En estos casos es recomendable tener en cuenta los distintos programas que conforman la visa J-1 de intercambio, ya que en algunos casos podrà an ser convenientes. Otra opcià ³n para los estudiantes que viven en Mà ©xico o Canad cerca de la frontera es solicitar una visa F-3, que les permite conocer el sistema educativo estadounidense sin necesidad de tener que vivir en los Estados Unidos. Posibles problemas para sacar la visa de estudiante Si el dinero no es un problema y te han admitido de una buena universidad de cuatro aà ±os, acepta. Los Community Colleges son una buena opcià ³n, dependiendo de las caracterà sticas de cada estudiante, incluso pueden ser la mejor opcià ³n en casos de inglà ©s limitado o cuando el dinero va muy justo. Pero si hay la oportunidad de ir a una buena universidad, esa deberà a ser siempre la primera opcià ³n. Adems, si eres estudiante internacional, aplicar para un Community College puede ser visto como sospechoso por el oficial consular que debe aprobar la visa de estudiante. Es importante conocer las causas que pueden convertir a una persona en inelegible para una visa no inmigrante, entre las que se encuentra la de estudiante. Adems, estas son 22 causas que convierten a una persona en inadmisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos. De interà ©s Si eres una persona recià ©n llegada a los Estados Unidos, es conveniente familiarizarse con las leyes y costumbres del paà s. Por ejemplo, para los jà ³venes es de relevancia saber cules son las leyes de edad del consentimiento sexual.  Es importante conocer las que aplican en el estado en el que se vive. Ignorarlas puede tener efectos migratorios malos para los estudiantes internacionales. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Alexander the Great, Greek Military Leader
Alexander the Great, Greek Military Leader Alexander the Great was the son of King Philip II of Macedonia and one of his wives, Olympias, a daughter of the non-Macedonian King Neoptolemus I of Epirus. At least, thats the conventional story. As a great hero, there are other more miraculous versions of the conception. Name: Alexander III of MacedonDates: c. 20 July 356 B.C. - 10 June 323.Place of Birth and Death: Pella and BabylonDates of Rule: 336-323Parents: Philip II of Macedonia and OlympiasOccupation: Ruler and military leader Alexander was born around July 20, 356 B.C. Being non-Macedonian made Olympias status lower than the Macedonian woman Philip later married. As a result, there was much conflict between Alexanders parents. As a Youth Alexander was tutored by Leonidas (possibly his uncle) and the great Greek philosopher Aristotle. During his youth, Alexander showed great observational powers when he tamed the wild horse Bucephalus. In 326, when his beloved horse died, he renamed a city in India/Pakistan, on the banks of the Hydaspes (Jhelum) river, for Bucephalus. Our image of Alexander is youthful because that is how his official portraits depict him. See Photos of Alexander the Great in Art. As Regent In 340 B.C., while his father Philip went off to fight rebels, Alexander was made regent in Macedonia. During his regency, the Maedi of northern Macedonia revolted. Alexander put down the revolt and renamed their city after himself. In 336 after his father was assassinated, he became ruler of Macedonia. The Gordian Knot One legend about Alexander the Great is that when he was in Gordium, Turkey, in 333, he undid the Gordian Knot. This knot had been tied by the legendary, fabulously wealthy King Midas. The prophecy about the Gordian knot was that the person who untied it would rule all of Asia. Alexander the Great is said to have undone the Gordian Knot not by unraveling it, but by slashing through it with a sword. Major Battles Battle of the Granicus - 334 B.C. (western Turkey) against Persian satraps with Greek mercenaries.Battle of Issus - 333 B.C. (Hatay province of Turkey) against King Darius of Persia.Battle of Gaugamela - 331 B.C. (northern Iraq) against King Darius of Persia.Battle of the Hydaspes (Jhelum) - 326 B.C. (northern Punjab, in modern Pakistan) against King Poros, who ruled a small kingdom, but had war elephants. Near the end of Alexanders expansion. (Although Alexander had intended to go further, and was soon thwarted by his own men, he thought he was near the edge of the earth.) Death In 323, Alexander the Great returned to Babylonia where he became ill suddenly and died. The cause of his death is unknown. It could have been disease or poison. It might have had to do with a wound inflicted in India. Alexanders successors were the Diadochi Wives Alexander the Greats wives were, first, Roxane (327), and then, Statiera/Barsine, and Parysatis. When, in 324, he married Stateira, daughter of Darius, and Parysatis, daughter of Artaxerxes III, he did not repudiate the Sogdian princess Roxane. The wedding ceremony took place in Susa and at the same time, Alexanders friend Hephaestion married Drypetis, Stateiras sister. Alexander provided dowries so that 80 of his companions could also marry noble Iranian women. Reference: Pierre Briants Alexander the Great and His Empire. Children Herakles, son of Alexanders wife/mistress Barsine [Sources: Alexander the Great and His Empire, by Pierre Briant and Alexander the Great, by Philip Freeman]Alexander IV, son of Roxane Both children were killed before they reached adulthood. Source: Alexander the Great- Children Alexander the Great Quizzes Why Did Alexander Burn Persepolis QuizAlexander the Great Quiz I - The Early YearsAlexander the Great Quiz II - From Empire-Building to Death Other Articles on Alexander the Great What Color Was Alexanders Hair?Was Alexander the Great a Greek?
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Target Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Target Corporation - Essay Example Target Corp. used credit lending as a form of ensuring there is return and profit from the credit. However, this happened at a time when there was an ongoing credit crisis. What comes out, therefore, is a possible scrutiny of the customers who were offered the credit that made the company so confident that there would be a return even if the general economic status was not friendly (Palepu & Healy, 2012). Second, is the issue of getting rid of credit defaulters in a corporation? For quite sometimes, the company has been engaged in a defaulter eradication process that has left Target dealing with only trusted clients with whom it was easy and safe to trust the credit. The third point that comes out from the article is the credibility of the company’s evaluation system that was able to predict returns on lending for a second time at a time when the credit market is in crisis. This reduced the losses because of client’s payment problems as well as renegotiations of terms of receivable because of customer’s difficulty. The fourth point to reflect on is the future of a risky process like this. Although Target showed considerably good profits from the process, there are concerns about the company’s sales, which have been on credit rather than on cash. When a company keeps adding on the bad-loans reserve, the losses are sure to catch up with the credit losses that will make the process unsustainable and lead to failure (Kieso, Weygandt & Warfield,
Saturday, February 1, 2020
John F. Kennedy and Hillary Rodham Clinton Essay
John F. Kennedy and Hillary Rodham Clinton - Essay Example Perhaps the most popular statement echoing the core principle of American democracy was spoken by Kennedy himself during his inaugural address: "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." (Kennedy) First and foremost, what is democracy The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy defines it to be "direct participation of the members of a society in deciding on the laws and policies of the society or it may involve the participation of those members in selecting representatives to make the decisions" (Christiano). As such, Kennedy's statement was a call for the active participation of the citizenry. Similarly, one of Clinton's most notable and memorable quotes throughout her political career echoes this same sentiment: "Voting is the most precious right of every citizen, and we have a moral obligation to ensure the integrity of our voting process." (HillaryClintonQuotes) John F. Kennedy, more commonly known as Jack, was not immediately attracted to a life of politics albeit growing up with a highly political family. In a biography by Robert Dallek, Kennedy had been credited for saying, "I never thought at school or college that I would ever run for office myself. . . . I hadn't considered myself a political type, and [it was my brother that] filled all the requirements for political success." (Dallek 117) The Kennedys were rather well known in the arena of politics, and their heritage of Democrats dates back generations. On the other hand, Hillary Rodham Clinton had always been interested in a life of politics. She proclaims, "I was interested in politics from an early age, and I loved to hone my debating skills with my friends. . . I ran for student council and junior class Vice President. I was also an active Young Republican" (Clinton 21). She had indeed begun her political awareness with the influence of her father who was an extremist Republican, but Clinton had eventually developed her own opinions at Wellesley College as she had participated in many political-flavored events. By graduation, she had become a full-fledged Democrat. Though Kennedy had more opportunity to provide service and leadership to the United States because he was elected President, Clinton likewise had her fair share of responsibility as First Lady. It is apparent from their respective stays in the White House, however, that their styles of governance are of different quality. Kennedy was ultimately very anti-communist, while Clinton had subscribed to certain socialist strategies with regard to capitalism. One of the most apparent differences between Clinton and Kennedy is that the latter was loved by most, while Clinton had always been and remains to be controversial in the eyes of many. She is most remembered and criticized for the demeanor with which she had handled her husband's adulterous affair at the Oval Office and her confrontational, no-nonsense attitude. Her political career has been tainted with rumor and gossip. Conversely, it is only admiration and almost veneration that people feel for Kennedy. While Clinton lacks in charm and appeal, Kennedy is
Friday, January 24, 2020
Essay --
Good afternoon my fellow Okhrana agents. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Pyotr Ivanovich Rachkovsky. We are here today to discuss our current situation concerning the Bolsheviks a main irritant that stresses the hell out of all of us, and other heathens like them. As you know these past years have been quite problematic for us, for we have been dealing with the ever growing revolution and the increasing amount of traitors that take part to create our demise. I chose this job to serve my country and I swore to protect the good people that reside there, and I believe that violence is the only true answer in stopping these hell bound creatures from biting at our heels any longer. As you may all recall that fateful day on March 13, 1881 our magnificent tsar Alexander the II was assassinated on his trip down to Mikhailovsky Manà ¨ge for the military roll call that he frequently attends every year. Reports back from the chief of police that was accompanying him on his trip indicated that two members of Narodnaya Volya had done the deed. Nikolai Rysakov and Ignacy Hryniewiecki were the culpr...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
The Dark Child
The Dark Child Camara Laye wrote The Dark Child to oppose stereotypes that have become part of western culture. When most westerners think about Africa they think of an undeveloped country that is stricken by poverty and primitive behavior. The dark child is an autobiography of Camara Laye’s youth and his early life growing in to adulthood. Camara Laye grew up in the town of Kouroussa on the inland plain of French Guinea in the Malinke tribe. His father was a well-renounced blacksmith and a man of tradition but he wanted a Western education for his son.Around the center of this book is where Camara Laye describes his initiation into adulthood at about the age of thirteen. He and the other boys sing while they enter the forest where they kneel with closed eyes with a roar of many lions surrounding them. Later he discovers the â€Å"rational†explanations for these frightening events, but he is wise enough to recognize that for the boys who take part in it, the ceremony i s still a true test of courage, and a real division between childhood and adulthood.The actual circumcision comes later, which he describes as â€Å"a really dangerous ordeal, and no game†Upon his return to the village, he is moved to his own hut, separated from his mother and father and he is given new â€Å"men's clothes†with quiet gratitude. This scene closes with Camara turning to his mother to thank her, who he finds standing quietly behind him, smiling at him sadly. Shortly after moving into his hut, Camara leaves at 15 years of age to attend â€Å"Ecole Georges Poiret, now known as the technical college†in Guinea's capital city of Conakry.His mother warns him to â€Å"be careful with strangers†and sends him off on a train to live with his Uncles Sekou and Mamadou in Conakry. In the school, Camara encounters difficult language barriers and a hot, humid climate more severe than his home in Koroussa. In his new school it is evident that it is more colonized. Camara lives the life of a typical college student by studying at school and going home during the breaks. As he experiences the European education, he adopts the culture associated with it.His mother changed the way his hut looks to give it a more European look, which he notices. He is aware of because the changes were making â€Å"the hut more comfortable. †Several years after leaving for Conakry, Camara returns home with his â€Å"proficiency certificate†and an offer from the director of his school to continue his studies through a scholarship, in France. While his uncles and father support and encourage him to take the foreign study opportunity, his mother is forbids him to accept the offer.He decided to accept the offer despite his mother's resistance to the idea, and parts with her and his father all while his mother was shouting insults and pushing him away. She then fell into a heap of tears, turning her anger instead to the European influences. H is father gave him with a map of city transportation of the Paris Metro in France. His father gives him the physical, practical tools for surviving in the city, but with that comes a theoretical compass directing the learning and success of his son. The mixed emotions of fear, excitement, anxiety and sadness cultivate with Camara crying as he goes to exit the plane.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Should Immigration Be Illegal Immigrants - 1723 Words
Since I was young I’ve noticed there is second class Americans. I’ve had a job since I was sixteen working at a golf course. At our golf course there are numerous job titles and every position is a certain gender/race. For example my position is to stock one of the buildings and it is only teenage/young adult males, while the cooks and grounds department are all Hispanic adults. Some positions get treated better than others. The deal is around 11’oclock we get a half hour lunch which the golf course provides us with, every position is liable for this opportunity, except for the grounds department. They have to bring their own lunches and have to eat it outside on the picnic benches in the blazing sun. Whenever I ride past them they seem miserable. Not too many of them speak English which leads me to question if they are illegal immigrants or not. Immigration is a complicated concept because there are people who have the beliefs that it destroys the economy, and t hen there are those who believe it makes the economy run more smoothly and strengthens it. You can argue that allowing immigration takes away jobs from legal citizens and increases crime rate. However, the other aspect is that it strengthens the economy due to cheap labor, helps the housing market, and increases economic revenue. Nobody puts into consideration that everyone’s family at one point was an immigrant to the United States, except for Native Americans. Why should we continue to allow immigrants into ourShow MoreRelatedShould Immigration Be Illegal Immigrants?1106 Words  | 5 PagesAn immigrant is a person who had made the choice to permanently move to another country for living or work purposes. People have been moving from place to place as long as the human race has existed. The assimilation is much easier for legal immigrants, those who have entered lawfully, as opposed to illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants have a much harder time assimilating; mainly bec ause they cannot access all the services that the country’s government has to offer without risking deportation.Read MoreShould Immigration Be Illegal Immigrants?1257 Words  | 6 Pagesmust ban immigrants!†, â€Å"Immigrants take Americans job opportunities†are some of the statements that stray away from the reality of the real debated issue of immigration . Today many Americans presume that immigrants slow the growth of the economy and often clash with American workers. Also, immigrants are often accused of stealing jobs and occupying land and space that they are not entitled to. However, do immigrants provide more than just a burden to the nations economy? Do immigrants play a biggerRead MoreShould Immigration Be Illegal Immigrants?1559 Words  | 7 Pageschildren, or other relatives who are illegal immigrants and constantly live in fear of deportation. Deportation has increased greatly and immigration agencies have been deporting many of these illegal immigrants in their workplace. Assembly Bill No. 450 will place requirements on private and public employers when encountering immigration agencies whom are seeking to deport their employees. It also prohibits immigration agencies from deporting illegal immigrants in their workplace without a warrantRead MoreIllegal Immigration - Illegal Immigrants Should NOT be Denied Benefits1343 Words  | 6 PagesIllegal Immigrants Should not be Denied Benefits         On her way to work, a nurse is assaulted while racial slurs are yelled at her. The same route that she has taken to work for the last ten years without a problem, now leads her to violence (Hornblower36). Instances of discrimination and racism such as this one, have increased since the passing of Proposition 187 in California. For years, the border states of this nation have faced a steady increase in the costs they are forced to payRead MoreImmigration : Amnesty Or Amnesia1305 Words  | 6 Pages Immigration: Amnesty or Amnesia Immigrants cross the American border with hope of a better life so; the subject of illegal immigration is greatly debated topic in the United States. With all things considered illegal immigrations affects everyone. These undocumented people can be a neighbor, a waiter, or even a housekeeper. The controversy behind illegal immigrants is whether or not they should be reprimanded for violations of immigration laws. According to the Arizona Sentinel Newspaper, illegalRead MoreIllegal Immigrants Are Good For The Economy Of The United States1250 Words  | 5 Pagesindependent United States, the country has attracted immigrants from different parts of the world. Illegal immigrants form the larger proportion of the immigrants into the United States. Policy analysts, government officials, as well as scholars have sought to ascertain the political, social, and economic impacts of the illegal immigrants (Hanson 11). Particularly, there has been raging debate regarding the economic impact of illegal immigration to the United States of America. It has become a matterRead MoreThe Issue of Illegal Immigration in the US1087 Words  | 5 Pages Americans today, know that there is a problem with illegal immigration. Everyday many illegal immigrants cross the borders. There are between twelve and twenty million illegal immigrants in America. (â€Å"Scary Immigration Statistics†1) The U.S. should make all illegal immigrants register or deport them to their original countries. The U.S. should also make a program so that the immigrants can get a license for legality. If the immigrants do not want to cooperate, then they cannot be in America. TheRead MoreImmigration Reform : Illegal Immigration1697 Words  | 7 Pages Back in 2007 there were several concerns over immigration as a whole and exploding proportions of illegal immigrants crossing the border in the Arizona area. Arizona attempted to resolve the influx of people across the border by imposing heavy fines o n employers hiring illegal immigrants. At that time in Arizona there was a democratic governor Janet Napolitano that continually vetoed the Arizona’s legislature attempt to reduce illegal immigration. In 2009 the state replaced the Democratic governorRead MoreImmigration : The Ongoing Question1419 Words  | 6 PagesImmigration: The Ongoing Question It was estimated in 2014 that there were at least 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the United States. Illegal immigration has been in the headlines for the last ten years and will forever plague the United States of America. New immigration policy such as the â€Å"Priority Enforcement Program†was implemented in 2015, and programs like these are one of the main topics up for debate in the upcoming election. Over seventy-five percent of people deported back toRead MoreEssay on Why should the U.S have border patrol?1611 Words  | 7 PagesStates Border Patrol: Why should the U.S have border patrol? Illegal immigrants have always been a problem in the United States for some time now. â€Å"In October 2008, the illegal immigrant population stood at 11.9 million according to the Pew Hispanic Center†(Illegal Immigration Facts Statistics†). An efficient border patrol in our country would be a good step in the right direction to stop illegal immigration and the effect it has on our country. Illegal immigrants are at fault for such things
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