Monday, December 30, 2019
Is Wind Power A Successful Source Of Energy - 854 Words
There are some requirements that are needed to make wind power a successful source of energy. Wind power must still compete with conventional generation sources on a cost basis. Depending on how energetic a wind site is, the wind farm may or may not be cost competitive. Even though the cost of wind power has decreased dramatically in the past 10 years, the technology requires a higher initial investment than fossil-fueled generators. Good wind sites are often located in remote locations, far from cities where the electricity is needed. Transmission lines must be built to bring the electricity from the wind farm to the city. Wind resource development may not be the most profitable use of the land. Land suitable for wind turbine installation must compete with alternative uses for the land, which may be more highly valued than electricity generation. Vermont perfectly matches most of the advantages. First, it is an environmentally conscious State, and we can cut pollution from fossil fu els by using wind and other alternative energy sources, as nations gather this week in Paris to confront the serious long-term dangers of fossil fuels and climate change. Though the construction costs of the wind towers are substantial, in the long run thanks to lower operating costs wind will compete favorably with fossil fuels and will save money. The consumer can find a lot of savings in costs to be achieved from using wind power. The cost of wind power hasShow MoreRelatedThe Proposal For Renewables, The Proposition Of Cogeneration936 Words  | 4 Pagesis such that waste heat from power generators will be recovered to increase the overall efficiency of fuel consumption. With the development of cogeneration units, heat can be much more easily and efficiently stored, and even further, such units could be ramped up whenever power is needed and the heat would be stored for later. To provide an incentive for cogeneration units, Energiewende set a bonus for each kW-h of power produ ced by the cogeneration unitâ€â€this power has priority on the grid. WithRead MoreEssay about Fossil Fuel is Running Out974 Words  | 4 Pagessustainability and renewable energy sources. As the world slowly progresses towards this idea of renewable energy, many people are wondering which renewable energy source will last the longest. Though all renewable energy resources are better than the current depleting fossil fuels, the most promising renewable energy resource will depend on where the problem lies geographically. Therefore, for the northeast region of the United States, specifically Massachusetts, wind power proves to be the most promisingRead MoreWhy Wind Energy Is Important?1471 Words  | 6 Pages†¢ Introduction....................................................p.1 †¢ Why Wind energy is important? ...........................p.1 †¢ Installed capacity of renewable energy in India..........p.2 †¢ Advantages.....................................................p.3 †¢ Economy of one wind farm..................................p.4 †¢ Government contribution....................................p.4 †¢ Challenges............................................................p.5 †¢ Suggestion for ImprovementRead MoreClimate Change And Global Warming1474 Words  | 6 Pagespeople across the globe. Industries began to mass excavate large amounts of coal in order to produce electricity to light the homes of these people. However, big business wasn’t aware or concerned about possible environmental damage that was occurring. Power plants sprung up across America which would produce waste in the forms of different types of pollution that would have quite an impact on the surroundings. As a result, individuals started to become aware of the effects of pollution. A phenomenon,Read More Human Development and the Importance of Wind Energy Conversion581 Words  | 3 PagesHuman Development and the Importance of Wind Energy Conversion For human development to continue, we will ultimately need to find sources of renewable or virtually inexhaustible energy. Its difficult to imagine this, but even if we find several hundred or even thousand years of coal and natural gas supplies, what will humans do for the next 250,000 years or so after they are depleted? Even the most apparently inexhaustible sources like fusion involve the generation of large amounts of wasteRead MoreWind Power: A Resource for the Future1717 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Wind Power: A Resource for the Future Coal, natural gas, and oil are three major sources of energy commonly used in the worlds industrial nations. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to use, and not difficult to transport. However, disasters associated with these energy sources do occur. In coalmines, there are dangers from explosions, mine collapse, flooding, and the constant threat of dust and gases. The oil spills from Exxon Valdez and, more recently, the British Petroleum rig in the GulfRead MoreThe Effect Of Wind On The Earth Essay1471 Words  | 6 Pagesearth we can say that wind vitality is an effective option to fossil fills and is a clean manifestation of don t result in natural contamination. Wind force is the transformation of wind vitality into usable form.wind turbines are utilized for the change of wind vitality to electrical power,wind factories are utilized for mechanical power,and wind pumps are utilized for water pumping or waste purposes or for cruising push ships. Wind ranches comprises of a few wind turbines joined withRead MoreNew Energy for the Future1358 Words  | 6 PagesNew Energy for the Future For years man has relied on energy in order to be successful in life. The industrial revolution relied on coal for the new inventions brought into the world. Life as has never been the same since then. However since that time, there has been little done to improve on energy efficiency and humans still primarily rely on fossil fuels for energy. For over a hundred years the Earth has become more polluted and dirtier than ever before. Now, with new, innovative technology thereRead MoreSWOT Analysis for Siemes1131 Words  | 4 Pagesstrongholds in alternative energy sources, the lure of expanding innovation, and the risk of complacence-induced obsolescence. The race for global leadership in alterative energy is on; what steps will best enable Siemens to capitalize upon their existing strengths, minimize vulnerabilities, and fortify themselves as a global leader? Strategic Analysis: Based upon their finite nature, the time is coming where the world will be unable to depend upon fossil fuels for energy. The economic lessons weRead MoreThe Cost Of Fossil Fuels1147 Words  | 5 PagesEnergy Policy Sheldon Fogle Telescope to Microscope April 22, 2015 Global Crisis Our species as a whole is very successful in many advancements such as technology, in society all together, and just overall in life but, currently we are failing our environment. Since our world is an immense place that consumes so much energy our demand is high. The ultimate goal is to no longer rely on nonrenewable energy sources, which we so strongly rely on today. Baby Steps are being
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The New World By Christopher Columbus - 1328 Words
The New World opened many opportunities to the Europeans. Although everyone country that came to America wanted to conquer land, they also had many different motives on what they wanted The New World to provide for them. The Spanish, French, and British all had different motives for conquering The New World, while some worked and some didn’t. The Spanish were the first to settle in The New World. Christopher Columbus, who was part of the Spanish voyage, was the first person to discover America. His goal was to find another path to Asia and the Indies but found America instead. Once they settled in America, God, Glory, and Gold fueled their motive. Most of the Spanish were Roman Catholic and if someone was a protestant they were persecuted. When the Spanish discovered the Indians, their goal was to convert them to Roman Catholicism. They wanted to spread the word of God to everyone; even to the Indians who had no idea what they were talking about. Another motive for the Spanish was the wealth. Before discovering America, the Spanish tried reclaiming the Iberian Peninsula from the Islamic rule. This caused the Castile, Argon, and Leon’s royal treasury to drain. Once they discovered America, they realized that new colonies, and trade routes from America would help that drain. Another motive was the Spanish glory. Spai n wanted to be the dominant power in Europe so by conquering America, they could rule Europe. The New World was seen as a vast property to enrich the crown, theShow MoreRelatedChristopher Columbus And The New World1554 Words  | 7 Pagesfind new routes to these places to get there faster, but Christopher Columbus had a completely new and perilous way to get to the East Indies. Christopher Columbus suffered many lengthy years trying to obtain approval of royals around Europe, but finally Spain agreed after being rejected once before by the Spanish. In 1492, Christopher Columbus made his first of many consequential voyages to the New World with the help of the King and Queen of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella. Christopher ColumbusRead MoreChristopher Columbus And The New World847 Words  | 4 PagesChristopher Columbus was born in 1451, in his childhood, Columbus is a boy has proved to be a sea charm and ambition want to become sailors. Columbus hired to work on a sailing ship in the convent and then the Columbus expedition begins. On day, in the early morning of October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus mariners stepped ashore an island in America, a land that no one known. This is a historic event, it was a prelude to understanding the New World, and led to the proliferation of western civilizationRead MoreChristopher Columbus : The New World964 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue, correct? Actually, class it is incorrect. I know your teachers in the past have taught you this numerous times. You learned that Christopher Columbus discovered the America’s which had been previously known as the New World. Also that Columbus was a hero and that is why ever y year the second Monday in October we celebrate Columbus Day for all the amazing things he did! Unfortunately, everything you have been taught has not been the truth. But do not worry kids;Read MoreChristopher Columbus And The New World1579 Words  | 7 PagesAugust 3rd, 1492, Christopher Columbus would depart from Spain in efforts to reach the New World and to try to colonize it. December 5th, of the same year, Columbus would arrive to an island in the Caribbean, which he proceeded to claim and call â€Å"La Espanola†(Hispaniola). More Spaniards came to the island to colonize it and create a plantation economy because the island was so rich and diverse in their resources. Nearly 200 years later, when France became a major European power, the French decidedRead MoreChristopher Columbus s The New World1619 Words  | 7 PagesThe Federal holiday of ‘Christopher Columbus Day’ is celebrated on the second Monday of October because of Columbus’s ‘ discoveries’ of the Americas in the New World. What most people do not know is that Christopher Columbus’s intentions were only for the betterment of himself. Columbus was a devout Catholic and could have been looking to spread the word of God to the ‘Indies’, his main goal was to find a water route from Europe to the West Indies. How did Christopher Columbus’s motives impact theRead MoreChristopher Columbus s The New World1194 Words  | 5 PagesAs Christopher Columbus takes the Atlantic Ocean by sail, many scholars take him as to be the â€Å"First†European traveler to have set both feet on the ground of the Americas. As Columbus reaches land on October 12,1492, he first sets foot in the Bahamas, on an island he claims â€Å"San Salvador†. While on the island, Columbus successfully takes control of the land and its â€Å"habitant†people, with the support of the Spanish. When Columbus writes the letter to Luis de Santangel , the minister of finance forRead MoreChristopher Columbus Discovered The New World851 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered the â€Å"New World.†After his discovery many other explorers and missionaries from Europe explored, and eventually settled in America. By 1700 the Anglo population in the English colonies in America reached two hundred and fifty thousand (Carlisle and Golson, 2006, p.233). This was the first time European settlers came into contact with American indigenous people. Europeans were shocked and confused when observing the Native Americans. In Europe at this timeRead MoreChristopher Columbus A Hero And Founder Of The New World1569 Words  | 7 PagesWas Christopher Columbus a hero and founder of the new world or villainous destroyer of indigenous people? There is much controversy and debate around this man. Many people believe that Columbus’s discoveries were falsified or over exaggerated and that his misdeeds are left un told. Others believe that he was a great explorer and was responsible for the discovery and shaping of the new world. Is Christopher Columbus the brave explorer who ushered in the â€Å"age of exploration†, or was he the brutal andRead MoreReview Of Christopher Columbus s The New World 1605 Words  | 7 Pages3. Achievements of Christopher Columbus. 3.1. Finding and Colonising of the New World. King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I, the Catholic Monarchs of Aragon, Castile, and Leon in Spain sponsored Columbus’ first journey. The funding was used to give Columbus crewmembers, and the money to afford three ships called the Nià ±a, Pinta, and Santa Marà a. Columbus and his crew then sailed west in hopes to find an alternate route to the lucrative Chinese trade markets or a new Silk Road. After two monthsRead MoreChristopher Columbus s The New World1881 Words  | 8 Pages When Christopher Columbus first arrived in America 1492 on board the Santa Maria a new time line of settlements began. However, he was not the first one who discovered ‘the new world’ but he was the first one who was able to establish a permanent connection and relation with the new discovered land that was going to have great effects on the future. At first there were only a few hundred colonists from England, but later on in the early 1600s thousands of people were emigrating from Europe to North
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Square Root Using Sequential Cordic Free Essays
Square root using Sequential Cordic Assignment-2 Submitted to: Dr. Sumam David Dept. of Electronics Communication Engineering NITK Surathkal Submitted by: Rakshith Sharma 10EC87 Vikas Majjagi 10EC107 Mullapudi Srinivas 10EC99 Algorithm: This is implemented for a range of input values 0. We will write a custom essay sample on Square Root Using Sequential Cordic or any similar topic only for you Order Now 75 since Xin should be less than 1 for the bit notation we used. Here we use the vectoring Mode of CORIC and its Hyperbolic subcase to calculate Xout=sqrt(xin2 -yin2 ) And yout= 0 Bit notation: [MSB(sign bit)] . (bit 1 to 15 for +ve fraction)] If we use xin=M+ ? and yin=M -1/4 we can compute xout=sqrt(M). The other equations of the cordic remain the same ie, X(i+1)=x(i)+d(i)*y(i)*2-i Y(i+1)=y(i)+d(i)*x(i)*2-i Z(i+1)= z(i) – d(i)*a(i) where a(i)=tan-1 (2-i) In this case we use 16bit fixed point notation with one sign bit and 15 bits in Q15 notation. A total of 12 iterations are used to reach the result where y(i) is sufficiently close to 0 and x(i) is approximately equal to sqrt(M). In case of hyperbolic, it is necessary to repeat shift iteration number for 4 th and 7th iterations in order to make the series to converge. The final obtained x(i) is to be multiplied by 1. 207534056 to get the result. The flow chart for the algorithm implement in the VHDL code is as shown in the following page. d(i)=1 if x(i)*y(i)0 Y(i) has gone to 0(apprx) input M=0. 63998413 output X(i)=0. 80035533 Y=0? sh ift12 Yes No Yes X(i)=sqrt(M) Yes Check iteration number Shift=4 or 7? Shiftrep= 0? No No Shiftrep+1 Shift+1 d(i)=-1 No x(i)*y(i) How to cite Square Root Using Sequential Cordic, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Business Level Strategy Samsung Design
Questions: 1. Critically analyze and discuss the strategy adopted by Samsung to achieve global Competitive Advantage. 2. Based on the B301A course material-Readings for Blocks 1 and 2 Readings3, critically analyze and appropriately relate Samsung's strategy to any two theories of strategy as defined by Richard Whittington. Answers: 1. Samsungs design has improved but it could not connect well with the customers. The company lacked the coherent look. Inspite, the company changed the look of its product the ratings for the Samsung product was poor (Park et al. 2015). The product named Samsung Q1, tablet computers it lacked in features, had small screens and was of high price. The Samsung Q1 was did lacked DVD drive, keyboard or decent sized screen and the battery life that lasted for two hours. The criticisms were with relation to the price the products were unrealistically priced. The Samsung also faced a lot of the problem with respect to the similarities of the features of its product with respect to the Apple and I phone (Castro 2016). The Samsung Company had to work on the cultural changes. The company should look at the design of the products. The company should look into the innovations on the designs. The Samsung should make high end product and the exciting product. The management should look at the quality not on the quantity. If the company needs to survive it has to change its policy. The company should make use of the new technology (Wambui 2013). The Samsung Company should redesign its systems and processes to improve the process of designing. The communication between the engineers, marketers and the designers should develop a good communication. Collaboration between the different departments must be given importance. The company had attained designed success. The employees are provided with much of the ethical knowledge in order to make success to the company. The performance of the company is measured in terms of the qualitative requirement rather than the quantitative requirement. The company should target the international competitiveness. The important assets of the company are the employees and the technology. The company should target on the next generation technology and should make their products with the help of the new technology. Although Samsung companies are spread over the range of the companies and they tend to operate independently. They share the same overall independent management philosophy. Samsung was planning to grow its business to US $ 224 billion by the year 2010. The income before paying the taxation was taken to be around US $ 25 billion. The total assets of the company were expected to reach a digit of US $ 280 billion (Ting 2014). The company is expanded in 67 countri es and are operated in 285 overseas operations. Samsung is truly global in scope and nature (Fearon et al. 2013). Samsung should bring on new ideas and new cultures. Samsung is a way ahead from the apple. Presently, the company has looked forward to its productions it comes out with a variety of the devices. It sees the reactions of the people, pushes its responses to the success, and kills its failures. The company uses its funds efficiently. 2. The strategies of the Samsung company takes into account the classical approach to strategy. The traditional approach to understanding the decision of the individual is made on the decision-making theory or is based on the rational economic model. The classical view of the decision-making has always taken into account the rational decision within the whole process of discussions and the prescriptions. In the classical approach, the main goal of the company is to earn the profits for the company. According to the classical approach of the strategy, the main aim of the business is to establish it in such a location where it can earn maximum profits. Samsung does the same as the company establishes itself in such a product and place where it can earn maximum profits. Samsung has specialised itself for the mobile phones. The strategy that were made by the management of the Samsung has all the characteristics of the classical strategy thought, rather the emphasis on the long run profit s not on the short term vision. According to Chandler, the central problem of the companies was to build the organizational structures in such a way that the top management focuses on their strategic responsibilities (Nevalainen et al. 2016). The company also looks at the strategic management as the main aim that needs to be improved. According to Chandler the reason for the success of the enterprise depends upon the basic reason for the success of the multidivisional structure that simply because there exists the separate responsibilities of the executives that are responsible to take the decision for the enterprise. The work of the executive has now been changed to look and achieve the long-term objectives of the firm or enterprise. The decision of the company should remain firm. As the company tries to overtake Apple, it launched the flag ship of the Galaxy S4 Smartphone is the latest step as it tries to overtake Apple, the company have introduced the mobiles that have came out with the flying colours. The cell phones consist of the massive screens and the impressive new features. Samsung is better at learning with its competitors. The company keeps a look at what its competitors are providing to the consumers. The new features that the new feature that the competitors brings at the market first. The aggression that the Samsung saw after imitating the design of its competitors it hit at the reputation and the goodwill of the company. Currently, providing the customer with the cheaper and a product that is as same as the i phone the company thought of differentiating the product with the larger screens, different features and the successful marketing plan and delivering the product that are demanded by the consumers. Samsung was the second company after the IBM, which filed 150 patents the last year that was related to the new technology in the Galaxy series (Reeves et al. 2015). The traditional approach also takes into account the profit-making scenario of the company. The strategy of the Samsung companies can also be compared with the processual approach to strategy. The strategy considers the rational strategy making of the company. The companies that is less concerned and confident about the market. The Samsung Company was less concerned about the behaviour of the consumers rather they looked at the profitability of the company when they copied the product that was as same as the Apple. The aggressive behaviour of the company led to the small losses of the company (Christensen and Embleton 2016). The processual strategy takes into account the perfections of the competitive market and they led to take the internal complexity of the organizations. The Samsung galaxy S6 was exactly as same as the designs of the apple phones. The company also copied the promotional image of the Apples iPad when the Samsung launched the Galaxy Tab S2. Company faced a lot of the problem with this way of thinking and this led to the success of the other competitors i.e. Motorola and LG who made the designs of their phones unique and not copied any of the features of the other phone and made their phones unique. The Samsung phone was not decent was of high ranged phone. The phone that ranged from US $ 300 but had a lower spec as compared to many of the sets that ranged below $ 300 (Liu et al. 2013). The company does not look at the quality rather it lays much of the importance in the quantity. Every new week there is the new phone that Samsung used to launch and it did not even catch the attention in the eyes of the customers. The strategy looks at the perfections of the competitive market. The company had the agitated competitor which included sony ericsson, Lenovo, LG and Motorola (Steensen 2014). The company did not evaluate the new technology and the new trend that the consumer wants in the cell phones. Without knowing the trends and the wants of the consumers, the company started the trend of the mini smart phones. The product suffered from the bad response in the market as the demand for the mini smart phones was not there at all. The Samsung galaxy mini and the Samsung galaxy mini 2 was a total failure (Green 2013). To attract the consumers with the high end product the company produced Galaxy S III which did not resembled as the top end product. This smart phone hit the market and brought revenues for the company. Seeing the hike in sales of the company the modest version of the same product was launched named LG G4 and Huawei P8 Lite (Reeves et al. 2012). However, this shows the human behaviour is rational and the behaviour of the humans are not dependent on any factors. Humans are biased in the data and our actions are determined by the first satisfactory option that he has in his mind. The other options are meant to be worse for him. Reference Castro, R.B., 2016. Apple Inc.A Marketing Success Story. Christensen, J. and Embleton, E., 2016. Ancient Narrative Therapy for Leadership: The Classical World and the Modern Leadership Classroom.The Classical Journal,112(1), pp.78-100. Fearon, C., Manship, S., McLaughlin, H. and Jackson, S., 2013. Making the case for techno-change alignment A processual approach for understanding technology-enabled organisational change.European Business Review,25(2), pp.147-162. Green, H., 2013. Strategies for safeguarding security of mobile computing: hospitals can gain a competitive edge by responding strategically to the rapid proliferation of mobile devices in health care, with security being an intrinsic part of their strategy.Healthcare Financial Management,67(2), pp.88-93. Liu, H., Xia, F., Yang, Z. and Cao, Y., 2013. An energy-efficient localization strategy for smartphones.arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.6833. Nevalainen, O.M. and Eriksson, P., 2016. 4. How business angels found a way to contribute non-financially: a processual approach.Entrepreneurship, Universities Resources: Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research, p.49. Park, J.K. and Choi, S.Y., 2015. Studying security weaknesses of android system.International Journal of Security and its Applications. Science and Engineering Research Support Center,9(3), pp.7-12. Reeves, M., Haanaes, K. and Sinha, J., 2015.Your strategy needs a strategy: How to choose and execute the right approach. Harvard Business Press. Reeves, M., Love, C. and Tillmanns, P., 2012. Your strategy needs a strategy.Harvard Business Review,90(9), pp.76-83. Steensen, E.F., 2014. Five types of organizational strategy.Scandinavian Journal of Management,30(3), pp.266-281. Ting, L.T., 2014.Image-based object search on Android(Doctoral dissertation, UTAR). Wambui, E., 2013. Samsung Smartphone strategic marketing: analysis of Samsung Smartphone marketing strategy decisions and the consumer perception to the implemented strategies.
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